

I love bananas, really love them. My husband makes fun of me because if we ever go a day without bananas I am honestly sad. I eat at least one a day with breakfast and often have one later in the day for a snack. I don't know why I love them so much but I really do. I knew they were good for you and had potassium in them but recently I have found out even more great things about them.

When you eat a banana, especially when it still has a touch of green (which in my opinion is the only time you should eat them!) makes them one of the best sources of resistant starch, a healthy carbohydrate that keeps you feeling fuller longer.

Slice it up and put it in your cold cereal, granola or oatmeal. It adds great flavor and a touch of sweetness.  Or try out my new favorite way to eat my banana at breakfast. Spread peanut butter on a slice of toast, cover it with sliced bananas and then sprinkle cinnamon on top. It is so good and filling!

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