
Feed Your Brain...Eat Breakfast!!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people say that they aren't hungry or don't feel like eating in the mornings. Well if that is the case don't eat breakfast for hunger, eat it for your brain.Your brain needs that energy and nutrients in the morning to have it functioning correctly all day long! Studies from the Journal of Nutrition are also showing there are fat burning benefits to eating breakfast. The study featured in Eating Well  magazine says that, "Eating a breakfast made with 'slow release' carbohydrates, such as bran or oatmeal cereal, 3 hours before you exercise may help you burn more fat." The reason why is these 'slow release' carbs don't spike your blood sugar as high as refined carbs, such as white toast. Insulin levels play a role in signaling your body to store fat, having lower levels may signal your body to burn fat. Go to this link to see a bunch of yummy 'slow release' carb recipes! Now go eat some breakfast for your brain and to lose some fat!!

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